
Preparations for radiography examinations

  • Patients with diabetes, high blood pressure and epileptic, do not discontinue the medication.
  • If you have previous studies please bring them.
  • If for some reason you can not keep your appointment, please call to cancel.


Instructions for Gastroduodenal Series Esophagus

For studies carried out in the morning

  • Do not eat or drink after 12:00 am.
  • Fasting is required.

For studies carried out in the afternoon

  • Soft diet eight hours before the study.
  • After do not eat anything.
Instructions for a Mammogram
  • Do not use powder, cream, perfume or deodorant on the breast area and armpits.
  • If you have breast implants or prostheses let us know when you make the appointment.
  • Bring previous studies (mammography or ultrasound) for better evaluation.
Instructions for a Sonogram of the Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas and Biliary

For studies carried out in the morning

  • Fasting is required.

For studies carried out in the afternoon

  • Full breakfast at 7:00 am.
  • A fat-free & light lunch six hours prior to the study.
Instructions for an Intravenous Pyelogram (IVP)

This study is not performed in patients with a history of allergic reactions to iodine.

For studies carried out in the morning

  • Take 8 to 10 glasses of water before the test day.
  • Soft diet prior to the appointment date.
  • Take the laxative prescribed at 7:00 pm. (Purgative lemonade).
  • Fasting is required.
  • Bring blood creatinine results.

For studies carried out in the afternoon

  • Full breakfast prior to 7:00 am.
  • Take the laxative prescribed at 9:00 am. (Purgative lemonade)
  • Lunch six hours before the study only drink liquids or soup. After do not eat anything.
  • Bring in blood creatinine results.
Instructions for Pelvic and Obstetric Sonogram First Trimester

The study is carried out with a full bladder. Drink 5 glasses of water one hour before the study. Do not urinate after consuming the water.

Instructions for Prostate Biopsy
  • Take prescribed antibiotics .
  • Do not take aspirin, or any other anticoagulants.
  • Put a cleansing enema three hours before the study.